I love Christmas. It’s central to who I am as a follower of Christ. But in our commercialized world, Christmas also comes with pressure. Men are expected to give amazing gifts, and create memorable experiences, for their loved ones. So let me share some advice I’m trying to follow myself.
This Christmas, while you’re overwhelmed with making sure your loved ones have an incredible Christmas experience, consider that all they may really want . . . is you. Your time. Your focus. Your attention. Your love. Don’t get caught up in all the hustle and bustle. Rather, find peace in knowing you’re the gift your family craves. And enjoy the gift God has given to you in them. Here’s how I’m planning to do that:
FIRST – I’m committing to give my family my undivided attention. No phone, no email, no distractions. Family time this Christmas will be all about us together.
SECOND – I want to make the simple moments count. The sweet, funny, tender moments when we’re with each other, not doing anything special, just being together as a family.
THIRD – I’m going to pray for God to open opportunities for deeper and more meaningful conversation with the people I love most. Then, I’m going to pay attention for them.
These are the goals I’m challenging myself with. I challenge you to join me. Merry Christmas.
Ken Harrison is CEO and chairman of Promise Keepers. Founded in 1990 by coach Bill McCartney, Promise Keepers was one of the largest Christ-centered movements; today, Promise Keepers is calling men back to bold servant leadership as change makers for their families, churches and communities. Harrison is also CEO of WaterStone, a Christian Community Foundation that oversees donations of millions of dollars a month to build God’s kingdom. After starting his career as an LAPD street cop in South Central, he spent nearly two decades in commercial real estate. Married and the father of three, Harrison has a new book, “The Rise of the Servant Kings: What the Bible Says About Being a Man.”